Hemolymph is the arthropod equivalent of blood. It is also Bloodless' official card database and search engine.
By default, your searches look for matches in Name, Kins, Keywords and Description, prioritizing them in that order.
If you want to search by name only, you can write name: or n: before the name.
Surround the name in quotation marks if it contains spaces.
n:"lost man"
You can use k: for kins and kw: for keywords. If you want to match more than one kin, they have to be separate. To search by type, use t:.
k:ant kw:"flying defense" t:creature
You can use h: d: p: and c: for health, defense, power and strength, respectively. You can also match comparisons.
c=2 p>1 d<2 h!=1
To look for cards that devour other cards, you use devours: or dev:, which require a search query inside them, wrapped in parentheses.
To look for cards that are devoured by other cards, you use devouredby: or dby:, which require a search query inside them, wrapped in parentheses.
dby:(n:"vampire mantis")
To search based on things cards can be used for, use fn:. The spefifics of functions will be documented later, but right now you can, for example, search for fn:"search deck".
You can invert a query's result by putting a dash before it. The following example matches all cards without "mantis" in their name.
You can search by flavortext. The fuzzy match ignores flavor text.
flavortext:"dr. vats"
By default, your queries are AND-ed together, such that a card must match all restrictions. You can OR two restrictions together with OR and XOR
p:0 OR t:command
You can group queries together by wrapping them in parentheses, and then perform operations on the whole query. For example, negating or OR-ing various matches
(t:command k:sorcery) OR (t:creature)
By default, your searches are sorted by their fuzzy match. If there was no fuzzy search, they are sorted by their name in alphabetical order. You can change the sorting with so: to sort ascendingly and sod: to sort descendingly. The following example sorts by flavor text in ascending alphabetical order.